One of the most common problems that medicine faces is to solve the rest of people with various diseases. This is a common occurrence THAT we accept as normal, but not when due to respiratory problems, thinness, diabetes, lower back pain, cervicoarthrosis or circulation problems that can lead to more harmful consequences. I mean those situations that may result in skin sores, muscle spasms or lack of rest in the lower extremities and often neck pain that match a general malaise that causes headaches.
Therefore it is important to note that electric articulated bed bases have top and sometimes bottom movements, so that the body can take different positions. “The Lufthous articulated electric mattress base” incorporates five moveable joints, allowing you to adjust the top, middle and bottom.
The structure of these bases facilitates the mobility of the bed so they are very useful and recommended for people with back problems or disabilities, people who must spend much time in bed. A slight inclination (30° to 45°), with the torso placed higher than the lower extremities and an aid below the knees is a good position that can support the curves of the spine and relieve the pressure of the whole body.
Ultimately the great contribution of Lufthous with its five point electric articulated mattress base is not only a solution, but it helps prevent and promote a better quality of life. Because when we sleep on flat beds our body is tense and we do not get the rest we need. The body is not flat, but curved, so when we rest on a flat bed, we feel discomfort and cannot adapt normally, comfortably and ergonomically on the surface of a flat mattress. Among the various data given in the specialized media, it should be noted that the “five-point electric articulated mattress bases” are very useful and beneficial for complete rest. The body accommodates the natural disposition of the back, pelvis and legs, adopting a sitting-lying position. They are ideal for reading, watching television and eating in bed in cases of prolonged bed rest and very comfortable during pregnancy by elevating the trunk.
In short, “articulated electric mattress bases” are designed to offer comfort and relaxation.. Its great advantage is the independence of the user to change the inclination of the bed, or get up without the help of any caregiver. For anyone that requires adequate rest, the electric articulated mattress base is the best opportunity to do so, because besides the ergonomic advantages, you also stimulate the vital and muscle tone to operate the controls.
The main benefits include helping you to get the rest you need, especially for anyone with vascular problems or the discomfort inherent in the pressure produced by the bone structure of people with musculoskeletal discomfort when in contact with the hardness of a normal mattress. These people need proper rest with adaptations of the curvatures of the spine to the surface of the mattress. So we can conclude that with the Lufthous “five-point electric articulated mattress base”, the benefits would be:
- Promotes good breathing and avoids respiratory discomfort derived from always lying in the same position.
- Reduces tired legs, allowing the tilt of the feet, rising the feet are slightly above the rest of the body, without placing objects that make it impossible for the rest of your body to feel comfort and get the desired rest
- Changing position prevents the occurrence of additional problems.
- Prevents formation of “chafing” resulting from spending a long time in the same position
- Enables adjustment of the tension in the lower back, achieving greater comfort.
- It has a multi-layered system which allows adequate ventilation of its mattresses, avoiding heat and odours.
- Reduces the occurrence of back, neck, pelvis and shoulder problems, as every part of your body will find an ideal position.
- It offers an ideal degree of stiffness for a comfortable rest.
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